Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Lost Soul of Lord Badewyn (The Order of the MUSE #3) by Mia Marlowe

This fascinating story by the innovative Mia Marlowe brings the historical and paranormal genres of romance together with such finesse and intrigue. 

Our "Finder", Meg Anthony has been with the Order of MUSE for some time now. With the help of her brother and sister Extraordinaries, Meg is learning the limitations and abilities of her gift. Also with the help of the ladies in MUSE, Meg has been schooled in the art of becoming a lady. While living with her criminal uncle and cousin, Meg was used in their criminal activity, then she met the Duke of Camden, and her life changed for the better, but that family still lingers in the background.
When Meg, using her gift to find, sees her family members in the midst of committing a crime nearby, she finds them too close for comfort. The duke decides to send Meg to a colleagues home in Wales for her protection.

Lord Badewyn has always been there to assist MUSE when needed, but seeing to the protection of Miss Anthony is not only a tad out of his realm, it's difficult for him, as his attraction to her could mean more danger than good. You see, Samuel, Lord Badewyn is not an ordinary man, in fact, he is not a man at all, but a Nephilim, the product of a Fallen Angel and a human woman. That Fallen Angel has survived to wreak havoc on his heirs with a curse that has the wives of his heirs die in childbirth and his heirs die soon after, leaving him to raise the male child. This time around Fallen Angel Grigori, who is known as Samuel's uncle, but is in fact his ageless father, sees his circle begin to come round with Meg. He of course would like Samuel to take Meg to wife so the cycle will go on. Unfortunately for Grigori, Samuel has other plans.

Meg's attraction to Samuel is no secret and when she learns of his own beginnings she can only think of protecting him from the imminent demise that lingers. This pair are indeed kindred spirits and hope is the theme for their future. With her family on her tail and Samuel's father on his, can these two, so perfect for one another, overcome the troubles that keep them apart? With faith and some help from MUSE, they may have a future. 

THE LOST SOUL OF LORD BADEWYN by Mia Marlowe is a wonderful read with twists and turns that come out the reader from all sides. Ms. Marlowe has created a society I want to be a part of. Her characters are multi-faceted and interesting. Lord Badewyn is perfection. Meg is amazing. Read this book! 


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